Wednesday 20 July 2016


 ALPHA C (Powder & Liquid)

ALPHA C is stable, gets fully absorbed and provides self replicating and sustained activity whereas synthetic Vitamin C is highly unstable and gets quickly excreted from the physiological system. ALPHA C remains stable during storage at room temperature and even at high temperature pelletisation whereas the retention and activity of synthetic Vitamin C is reduced by 10% every month during storage at room temperature and by more than 80% during pelletisation.
Bioflavonoids are chemical compounds related to Vitamin C. They act as antioxidants and they have many health benefits like increasing the effectiveness of vitamin C. Natural Bioflavonoids present in ALPHA –C improves bioavailability and bioactivity of natural Vitamin C. Bioflavonoids prolong the effectiveness of Vitamin C activity of Alpha –C
Active moiety of synthetic Vitamin C is thermo-labile and gets quickly dissipated in aqueous solution. To make synthetic Vitamin C stable under pelleting temperature and in aqueous solution, esterification at 2,3 - enediol structure is done, involving high costs. In case of Alpha - C, it is naturally stable, without requiring any chemical modification
Experimental studies in laboratory animals and poultry birds showed that supplementation of Alpha - C could significantly increase the level of Vitamin C in blood, adrenal glands and liver (systemic store houses of ascorbic acid) as compared to same amount of synthetic Vitamin C. In Trial Alpha - C showed better antioxidant action than synthetic Vitamin C both in aqueous and lipid phase in commercial broilers. Clinical trials in commercial broilers, layers and quails in India and abroad indicate better efficacy of Herbal C as compared to same synthetic Vitamin C, in normal heat stressed conditions

for more information or sales related query please contact :

Monday 18 July 2016



Herbal Adaptogen and Anti-stressor

Body calming tonic to Normalize temperature, Relieves from heat stress, Regulate body temperature, Increase adaption to the environment, Normalize glucocorticoid (Cortisol) level, Healthy digestion & energy production, Control  blood glucose and blood lipid elevation, Control heart rate, Growth promoter and production enhancer

·         Relieves from heat stress.
·         Regulate body temperature
·         Increase adaption to the environment
·         Normalize glucocorticoid (Cortisol) level
·         Healthy digestion & energy production
·         Detoxifier
·         Control  blood glucose and blood lipid elevation
·         Control heart rate
·         Best Anti-oxidants due to natural flavinoids

Effect of ALPHA COOL on the weight gain and feed To check efficiency on broilers few trial were conducted and results are shown in below table
7TH Week body wt.(g)
Weight gain(g)
Feed intake(g)
Feed conversion ratio
1557.58a  ±23.69
1520.79a ± 30.57
1284.82b ±25.92
1248.39b± 29.71
3071.04b ±56.10
1336.94c ±28.80
1298.83c ± 23.11
3104.20b ±29.78
1429.01d ±19.49
1391.75d ± 28.80
3201.02c ±36.16
1449.36e  ± 30.19
1412.19e ± 20.52
3233.91c ±40.33


Large Cattle                            :           40 ml Twice daily
Swine & small cattle               :           20 ml Twice daily
Poultry (Per 100 birds /day)
Chicks                                      :           5.0 ml.
Growers                                  :           7.5 ml.
Layer/Broiler/Finishers            :           10.0 ml.
Dosage will be doubled for breeder stock. For Poultry and Livestock the mentioned dosage has to be given in the water

for more information or sales related query please contact :

Herbal Choline - Natural replacement of Choline Chloride

Cholmax/Herbal Choline

CHOLMAX is choline chloride replacer with better stability, with no Tri-methyl amine, non-corrosive, non-hygroscophic, half dosage, safe & friendly for other vitamins.

500 gms of Cholmax can replace 1kg of Synthetic choline chloride and 150mg of biotin with better bioavailability. 


Provides 100% Choline & Biotin naturally

·         Helps in metabolism of fat

·         Prevents the incidence of Fatty Liver Syndrome 

·         Promote adequate synthesis of choline

·         Promote reduction of abdominal and carcass fat in broilers

·         Have no reaction with any drug or vitamins

·         Have Properties like non-corrosive, non-hygroscopic and free from obnoxious odor

·         Promote growth, optimum FCR, egg production, livability and hatchability

for more information or sales related query please contact :

A natural replacer of synthetic lysine (Lysine hcl or lysine sulphate)

A natural replacer of synthetic lysine (Lysine hcl or lysine sulphate)

LYSIOMAX is herbal replacement of L-Lysine provides optimum lysine activity for proper protein accretion and other functions in poultry birds. It is blend of important liver stimulant plant which plays role of the same action in the body as the function performed by l-lysine. Therefore, Lysiomax can be more effectively used as compared to synthetic lysine (dose per dose) with significant savings in feed cost for optimum performance of broilers and layers

·        100 % lysine activity
·        Restore appetite
·        Promote immunity
·        Improve liver function
·        Protect birds from stress
·        Repair & regenerate damage tissue
·        Better growth, muscular strength and working efficiency
·        Higher egg production, bigger egg size and weight in layers and breeders

for more information or sales related query please contact :

Wednesday 13 July 2016

MINTOSAN - An Oral Respiratory Solution


Respiratory system is an important body system of poultry starts from head region than

Glottis & finally to lungs. The most important functions of respiratory systems are

: delivering proper oxygen to the body tissues

: removal of carbon dioxide

: regulation of body heat (thermoregulation)

: maintain proper air pressure on vocal cords to produce sound.

Avian Respiratory system is prone to various outbreaks especially related to Virus,

Bacteria & mycoplasma and these cause various type of symptoms such as

: Coughing & Sneezing

: Watery Diarrhoea

: Rales and Gasping

: Discharge from eyes and nose
: Retarded growth

: Newcastle disease

: Twisting of head and neck

: Conjunctivitis and Prostration
: Bluish purple discoloration of face

: Reduced egg production & thin shelled eggs

: Swelling of face, Red or white spots on legs

: Poor FCR, Lowered gain in weight

: Increased morbidity, Increased mortality

The nasal membranes and the bronchial system react to acute colds and other respiratory

diseases with an increased secretion of fluids to flush out the pathogens (viruses or

bacteria) so if expectoration is limited, this increased production of mucus can bring

about mucous congestion in the areas affected. This provides ideal conditions for the

propagation of invasive bacteria.

To overcome these challenges of respiratory system in birds eucalyptus oil based herbal

respiratory oral solution MINTOSAN is designed by ALPHAFACTS HEALTH SOLUTIONS.

Product Detail & Mode of Action

This product is based on a new approach while at same time its natural, effective and

safe. Powerful combination of essential oils in MINTOSAN helps in clearing the respiratory

tract of the poultry also it is a water soluble concentrate based on a combination of natural

essential oils of plant origin. It can be used safely and efficiently in all sectors of poultry

farming and provides the user with an outstanding, cost efficient performance in the

alleviation of respiratory problems. Prophylactic treatment with MINTOSAN helps in

preventing influenza-type infections as It causes inhibition of cyclo-oxygenase, which

leads to reducing the viral load (growth) in respiratory tract and hence there will be

inhibition of cough. Due to Herbal properties it is rapidly absorbed from the stomach and



At Time bird suffers form breathing problems application of MINTOSAN is water or through

spray provides immediate relief by liquefying thick and sticky mucous and by reducing

swelling of the mucous membranes. As a result, breathing and oxygen intake get

increased hence bird feel big relief. Few other Benefits of MINTOSAN are as below

: Inhibit passive cutaneous anaphylactic reactions that participate in late phase of type I

allergic reactions

: Aid as bronchodilator and prevents recurrent attacks of bronchial infections

: Anti-tussive, Mucolytic, Expectorant and Antibacterial activity

: Anti-inflammatory, anti-histaminic, and antipyretic

: Antimicrobial, Antifungal and Antibacterial activity

: Facilitates easy breathing with optimum uptake of oxygen

: Maintain respiratory system during the changing weather


: Cough, Coryza, CRD, Hay fever, Heaves, Nasal catarrah, Bronchitis.

: In case of post vaccination reactions due to IB or ND vaccinations

: In case of Bronchitis infections.

: If chickens are sneezing

: In case of heat stress

: In hot spells, especially when the mucous membranes dry out and the chickens have difficulty in breathing.

: In cases when administration of antibiotics is no longer permitted due to withdrawal time

: If antibiotics are no longer effective.

For more information Please visit our Website :

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Methiomax- A Organic replacement of synthetic Methionine

Methiomax- A organic replacement of synthetic methionine

Methionine is the first limiting amino acid of Poultry and plays different type of functions like

As a methyl donor group

As a precursor in metabolic pathways.

As a sulfur donor

Involved in poly-amine synthesis

Enhance production

Reduce cost

Synthetic Methionine produced from propylene which is a petroleum derivative and having
two forms DL-Methionine (DLM) & Methoxy hydroxyl Analogue (MHA).

Methionine have many interrelationships with other   nutrients because many metabolic pathways and other nutrients (cystine, choline, betaine, vitamin B6, vitamin B12,  and folate) involve methionine.

Also the molar efficacies of methionine and  cysteine were quite same. Similarly Poultry require methionine & cysteine for protein synthesis.

Methionine,  betaine and choline are methyl donors that play important roles in methylation  reactions. But effect of methionine is unique and other methyl donors could not substitute for methionine. Also Increase level of methionine in diet severally affect the absorption of other amino acids such as lysine.

METHOMAX is the natural alternate to Dl-Methionine or MHA, which is the combination of those plants which have same mechanism of action in the body as of the synthetic methionine. The Herbal Natural Methionine of Alphafacts is more bio-available in the blood serum, more heat stable and the perfect compound for the Pellet and mesh Feed. 

Methionine in plants occur as dipeptides and oligopeptides form along with its precursors and intermediates which facilitate optimum bio-synthesis of Methionine, as per birds needs.
Herbs also have enzymes required for conversion of Methionine into S-Adenosyl Methionine (SAM) which is Active Methionine.

Methiomax as researched based formulation contains bio-active natural Methionine in free as well as conjugated dipeptide and oligopeptide forms. Methiomax also contains the precursors and intermediates of Methionine, that is, folic acid. It acts as a methyl donor and prevents excess fat build up in the liver. 

There are no. of studies done by various researchers through out the world which confirms the efficacy of herbal Methionine (Methiomax) at par with DLM or MHA. 

Even 100 % replacement was found to have same results as have with synthetic Methionine. There are some studies online with similar products shown efficacy of around 65-70 % similar to DLM or MHA in broiler chicken.

Overall Methiomax is more economical to the farmers as compare to synthetic Methionine and makes the production more profitable. 

For any information on Methiomax please visit our website