Wednesday 13 July 2016

MINTOSAN - An Oral Respiratory Solution


Respiratory system is an important body system of poultry starts from head region than

Glottis & finally to lungs. The most important functions of respiratory systems are

: delivering proper oxygen to the body tissues

: removal of carbon dioxide

: regulation of body heat (thermoregulation)

: maintain proper air pressure on vocal cords to produce sound.

Avian Respiratory system is prone to various outbreaks especially related to Virus,

Bacteria & mycoplasma and these cause various type of symptoms such as

: Coughing & Sneezing

: Watery Diarrhoea

: Rales and Gasping

: Discharge from eyes and nose
: Retarded growth

: Newcastle disease

: Twisting of head and neck

: Conjunctivitis and Prostration
: Bluish purple discoloration of face

: Reduced egg production & thin shelled eggs

: Swelling of face, Red or white spots on legs

: Poor FCR, Lowered gain in weight

: Increased morbidity, Increased mortality

The nasal membranes and the bronchial system react to acute colds and other respiratory

diseases with an increased secretion of fluids to flush out the pathogens (viruses or

bacteria) so if expectoration is limited, this increased production of mucus can bring

about mucous congestion in the areas affected. This provides ideal conditions for the

propagation of invasive bacteria.

To overcome these challenges of respiratory system in birds eucalyptus oil based herbal

respiratory oral solution MINTOSAN is designed by ALPHAFACTS HEALTH SOLUTIONS.

Product Detail & Mode of Action

This product is based on a new approach while at same time its natural, effective and

safe. Powerful combination of essential oils in MINTOSAN helps in clearing the respiratory

tract of the poultry also it is a water soluble concentrate based on a combination of natural

essential oils of plant origin. It can be used safely and efficiently in all sectors of poultry

farming and provides the user with an outstanding, cost efficient performance in the

alleviation of respiratory problems. Prophylactic treatment with MINTOSAN helps in

preventing influenza-type infections as It causes inhibition of cyclo-oxygenase, which

leads to reducing the viral load (growth) in respiratory tract and hence there will be

inhibition of cough. Due to Herbal properties it is rapidly absorbed from the stomach and



At Time bird suffers form breathing problems application of MINTOSAN is water or through

spray provides immediate relief by liquefying thick and sticky mucous and by reducing

swelling of the mucous membranes. As a result, breathing and oxygen intake get

increased hence bird feel big relief. Few other Benefits of MINTOSAN are as below

: Inhibit passive cutaneous anaphylactic reactions that participate in late phase of type I

allergic reactions

: Aid as bronchodilator and prevents recurrent attacks of bronchial infections

: Anti-tussive, Mucolytic, Expectorant and Antibacterial activity

: Anti-inflammatory, anti-histaminic, and antipyretic

: Antimicrobial, Antifungal and Antibacterial activity

: Facilitates easy breathing with optimum uptake of oxygen

: Maintain respiratory system during the changing weather


: Cough, Coryza, CRD, Hay fever, Heaves, Nasal catarrah, Bronchitis.

: In case of post vaccination reactions due to IB or ND vaccinations

: In case of Bronchitis infections.

: If chickens are sneezing

: In case of heat stress

: In hot spells, especially when the mucous membranes dry out and the chickens have difficulty in breathing.

: In cases when administration of antibiotics is no longer permitted due to withdrawal time

: If antibiotics are no longer effective.

For more information Please visit our Website :

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