Wednesday 20 July 2016


 ALPHA C (Powder & Liquid)

ALPHA C is stable, gets fully absorbed and provides self replicating and sustained activity whereas synthetic Vitamin C is highly unstable and gets quickly excreted from the physiological system. ALPHA C remains stable during storage at room temperature and even at high temperature pelletisation whereas the retention and activity of synthetic Vitamin C is reduced by 10% every month during storage at room temperature and by more than 80% during pelletisation.
Bioflavonoids are chemical compounds related to Vitamin C. They act as antioxidants and they have many health benefits like increasing the effectiveness of vitamin C. Natural Bioflavonoids present in ALPHA –C improves bioavailability and bioactivity of natural Vitamin C. Bioflavonoids prolong the effectiveness of Vitamin C activity of Alpha –C
Active moiety of synthetic Vitamin C is thermo-labile and gets quickly dissipated in aqueous solution. To make synthetic Vitamin C stable under pelleting temperature and in aqueous solution, esterification at 2,3 - enediol structure is done, involving high costs. In case of Alpha - C, it is naturally stable, without requiring any chemical modification
Experimental studies in laboratory animals and poultry birds showed that supplementation of Alpha - C could significantly increase the level of Vitamin C in blood, adrenal glands and liver (systemic store houses of ascorbic acid) as compared to same amount of synthetic Vitamin C. In Trial Alpha - C showed better antioxidant action than synthetic Vitamin C both in aqueous and lipid phase in commercial broilers. Clinical trials in commercial broilers, layers and quails in India and abroad indicate better efficacy of Herbal C as compared to same synthetic Vitamin C, in normal heat stressed conditions

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