Tuesday 12 July 2016

Methiomax- A Organic replacement of synthetic Methionine

Methiomax- A organic replacement of synthetic methionine

Methionine is the first limiting amino acid of Poultry and plays different type of functions like

As a methyl donor group

As a precursor in metabolic pathways.

As a sulfur donor

Involved in poly-amine synthesis

Enhance production

Reduce cost

Synthetic Methionine produced from propylene which is a petroleum derivative and having
two forms DL-Methionine (DLM) & Methoxy hydroxyl Analogue (MHA).

Methionine have many interrelationships with other   nutrients because many metabolic pathways and other nutrients (cystine, choline, betaine, vitamin B6, vitamin B12,  and folate) involve methionine.

Also the molar efficacies of methionine and  cysteine were quite same. Similarly Poultry require methionine & cysteine for protein synthesis.

Methionine,  betaine and choline are methyl donors that play important roles in methylation  reactions. But effect of methionine is unique and other methyl donors could not substitute for methionine. Also Increase level of methionine in diet severally affect the absorption of other amino acids such as lysine.

METHOMAX is the natural alternate to Dl-Methionine or MHA, which is the combination of those plants which have same mechanism of action in the body as of the synthetic methionine. The Herbal Natural Methionine of Alphafacts is more bio-available in the blood serum, more heat stable and the perfect compound for the Pellet and mesh Feed. 

Methionine in plants occur as dipeptides and oligopeptides form along with its precursors and intermediates which facilitate optimum bio-synthesis of Methionine, as per birds needs.
Herbs also have enzymes required for conversion of Methionine into S-Adenosyl Methionine (SAM) which is Active Methionine.

Methiomax as researched based formulation contains bio-active natural Methionine in free as well as conjugated dipeptide and oligopeptide forms. Methiomax also contains the precursors and intermediates of Methionine, that is, folic acid. It acts as a methyl donor and prevents excess fat build up in the liver. 

There are no. of studies done by various researchers through out the world which confirms the efficacy of herbal Methionine (Methiomax) at par with DLM or MHA. 

Even 100 % replacement was found to have same results as have with synthetic Methionine. There are some studies online with similar products shown efficacy of around 65-70 % similar to DLM or MHA in broiler chicken.

Overall Methiomax is more economical to the farmers as compare to synthetic Methionine and makes the production more profitable. 

For any information on Methiomax please visit our website http://www.alphafactsbelgium.com/

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